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Working with children
From Birth to 18 years

When should your child see an Occupational Therapist?  

  • If a child displays learning challenges or has Autism, ADHD, Global Developmental Delay, Dyspraxia or Specific Learning Difficulties.
  • If they seem overly sensitive or emotional to sensory stimulation including touch, textures, tastes, sound, and movement.
  • If a child has physical, sensory, or cognitive disability.
  • When a child is having difficulty performing everyday activities like dressing, tying shoes, feeding themselves, paying attention, writing, drawing, or colouring in the lines.
  • If a child seems to have weak hands and/or get tired easily while doing fine motor tasks.
  • If they have difficulty with learning gross motor tasks such as riding a bike, skipping, or hopping.
  • They are under responsive with decreased reactions to movement, touch, sound, or have unusually low emotional responses.
  • If they have trouble with writing including pushing too hard or not hard enough, not being able to develop and maintain a good grasp on the pencil, and having trouble with size and spacing of their letters.
What does an occupational therapist do?
  • Firstly they meet with the family to discuss concerns, answer questions and seek advice and guidance.
  • Depending on the initial consultation they will then follow on by assessing the child looking specifically at the child’s motor coordination and sensory needs.
  • They help the family understand the child’s need and teach parents (or carers) the skills, tools and provide the information to build and develop a child’s ability to perform everyday tasks.
  • Then they will devise an individualised program to suit the child’s needs. The program may involve the use of balance, strength and co-ordination activities, toys, games or other special equipment depending upon the need. It will include professional recommendations to help improve your child’s play, learning and self care skills.